InVico notesbyVico BiscottiGoing Through DoorsWhat’s the meaning of your next door?Nov 29, 20184Nov 29, 20184
InVico notesbyVico BiscottiThe Power of SilenceSeeing what matters, and being prepared for it, may require to see through some artifacts.Nov 13, 20184Nov 13, 20184
InVico notesbyVico BiscottiConsider Going in the Opposite DirectionThe art of not being dragged by your struggle.Oct 1, 20173Oct 1, 20173
InVico notesbyVico BiscottiThe Power of Not KnowingWhy not knowing is as important as knowing.Feb 20, 20193Feb 20, 20193
InVico notesbyVico BiscottiDeliberate ImperfectionThe art of dealing with mechanics and chaos.Oct 8, 20202Oct 8, 20202